Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A twist on Bigfoot?

The film “Smallfoot” puts a delightful turn on the myth Bigfoot. For a kids movie, it is very well thought up and very appropriately put together. 

The Yeti society blindly follows the traditional rules their leader, the Stonekeeper, gives them, not unlike our own society following traditions and never trying to challenge them either out of fear or wanting to avoid punishment.

This film is worth sitting down and enjoying. The playful songs are catchy and keep your attention on the film and things that are happening in the plot. I give this film a 10 out of 10.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Even though Blake Lively had an important role in this movie, the acting was very poor but the story line wasn't awful. I could gather enough information on the characters and the plot to kind of get the whole concept of the film but I still didn't think it was worth my time. 

The story was about 4 best friends that go shopping to prepare themselves for their first summer apart and find a pair of pants that magically fit all 4 of them perfectly so when they finally part for the summer, they end up mailing the pants back and forth with each other to ensure they are always together. Being in different situations, They each overcome trials and tribulations while wearing the pants on their turns. It's a very dramatic and strong relationship filled cinematic experience. 

Although I didn't enjoy the film 100%, it was well thought of and planned out. The story came along nicely and everything fit together. It was definitely not a movie I would watch again in the future. I will give it the benefit of the doubt though, it was very well brought up and a pretty interesting story that I will have to say again wasn't awful. I give this film a 5 out of 10.